Google Applications For Education Virginia Summit

I had the opportunity to attend the Google Summit in Charlottesville Virginia last week. It was great to see my good friend, Stephanie Carter. She works for the Charlottesville school district and was instrumental in bringing the summit to Virginia. The conference was great and I learned a lot of great things to bring back to Warren County! Below are scenes from the two day event.

Using Google Forms to Organize and Implement Professional Development

Google Extensions and Applications

Using Google Classroom

Using Google Applications in the K-12 classroom

Great time to visit with friends during the breaks

Google Slam shared quick 3 minute presentations on great resources

Google Slam participant showed me how to use an online note taking program to use when reviewing video. The notes receive a time stamp as the video is running.

Keynote speaker talked about how changes in technology tools used in Education.

Pear Deck is a great interactive resource that can be used with Google Applications