Warren County Schools participated in Saturday’s March 2, 2019 Roanoke River Valley Education Consortium
(RRVEC) 5th Ultineers FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Tournament at Halifax
Community College in Weldon, North Carolina. The RRVEC covers six
schools systems including Bertie, Halifax, Hertford, Northampton, Warren
and Weldon City Schools. Warren County Schools provided 7 of the 34
teams at the competition with 2 teams from Warren County Middle (the
LEGO Martians & the Terminators), 2 teams from Northside K-8 (the
Astrodogs & the Majestic Lions), 1 from Mariam Boyd Elementary
(M.B.E.E. Mighty Bobotic Eagles), 1 from South Warren Elementary (the
Galaxy Lions), and 1 from Vaughan Elementary (the Bricklayers). Special
consideration and appreciation go to the following coaches who led and
inspired the teams to take on the challenge of competition: Carl Davis,
Cecilia Aguilar, Dana Queener, Scott Garlock, Maria Daal, Dr. Celestine
Williams, and Stanley Harrell.
County Schools was fortunate to win one of the major awards at the
event. The Terminators from Warren County Middle School won the Robot
Award for Strategy & Innovation. According to RRVEC Ultineers
Judges, “this award recognizes a team that uses solid engineering
practices and a well-developed strategy to design and build an
innovative, high performing robot”. All of the student participants
from each school in the Warren County Schools District should be
acknowledged for their hard work and dedication. A great job was done
by all.
special thank you goes to Dr. Spain for his leadership and vision
which was instrumental in forming the RREVEC robotics programs. Check out pictures below.
Warren County Middle School FLL Team – The Terminators
Promtional Video from the Tournament.