July Board Meeting

The Warren County Board of Education met on July 9th at Warren County Middle School in the Multi-Purpose Room. It was the first meeting of the 2019-20 school year. Ebony Talley Brame was elected as the Board Chair and Linda Byrd was elected as the Vice Chair. Check out the pictures taken at the meeting.

Dr. Linda Mason, Acting Superintendent

Board Chair, Ebony Talley-Brame calls the meeting to order

The School Board Attorney conducts the Chair and Vice-Chair Elections

Warren County High School and Warren Early College receive the attendance awards

Dr. Frank Polakiewicz, Assitant Superintendent for Administration discusses a proposal to mandate that certain classified staff drive school buses.

Transportation Director, Thaddius Alston informs that board about what other school districts have in place.

Shana Brown, Director of Exceptional Children's Programs talks about the 3 year AIG plan.