I love the school choice concept! Warren County Schools Rock!

Laurie Baker, Principal, Warren County Early College High School

Jonathan Ricks, Counselor, Warren County High School

Warren Bell, Principal, Warren County High School

Iris Dethmers, Principal, Warren County New Tech High School

Dr. Ray Spain, Superintendent, Warren County Schools

I have been a member of the Warren County Schools team for almost a year and I enjoy being a member of a great group of people. Even before I came on board here, I was very impressed that the 8th grade students and their parents were able to choose the high school that they attend. Now that I am here and can see it first hand, I commend Dr. Spain and the school district for implementing this initiative. I attended a meeting today that featured presentations from each high school to the 8th grade students. Hopefully the information that was shared today will allow the students to make informed decisions as they make their high school choice. Above are pictures from the meeting. I am very impressed with this concept!