Conversations about Health Careers

Eddie Williams, Family Coordinator for the Warren County GEARUP program and the 8+ Academy sponsored a program at Warren County High School that allowed students and parents to sit down and speak with health care professionals about their health related careers. The program was held in the media center and included 5 professionals in the community. The speakers included: Physican, Dr. D. Hawkins-Russell, Nurse, Maggie King- Harris, Veterinarian, Dr. C. Woodleif,  Dentist, Dr. L. B. Henderson, and Medical Assistant, D. Gardner. Check out highlight pictures below.

Eddie Williams, GEARUP Coordinator

Physican, Dr. D. Hawkins-Russell,

  Dentist, Dr. L. B. Henderson,

Nurse, Maggie King- Harris

Veterinarian, Dr. C. Woodleif,

 Medical Assistant, D. Gardner